Prism Sound DA-2 Legendary 2 channel 24-bit 96kHz DA Converter

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Prism Sound DA-2 Legendary 2 channel 24-bit 96kHz DA Converter

SKU: 7X4YAQXM01 Category: Tags: , , , ,


Prism Sound DA-2 Legendary 2 channel 24-bit 96kHz DA Converter Overview:

The Dream DA-2 is the definitive music D/A converter, providing the most accurate rendition of an audio event whether it be early music, classical, jazz, big band, a club mix or hard rock. The DA-2 conversion system provides an audio stream of such exceptional quality that will be relied upon for years to come as the definitive source for productions on CD, DVD, Super Audio CD or other formats as they become available.PerformanceThe Prism Sound DA-2, 96kHz, 24-bit D/A converter provides ultimate-quality monitoring of digital audio signals. Its exceptional linearity and rock-steady clock generation and recovery ensure the highest conversion precision available for recording and mastering applications.The DA-2 combines truly state-of-the-art audio performance with the advanced features needed by the professional to provide the most revealing, most transparent and most flexible digital to analogue conversion unit available.MusicalityOf particular importance is the ability of the DA-2 to avoid the unpleasant effects of jitter: The exceptionally stable PLL has high jitter-attenuation, and the DA-2’s digital outputs can provide a de-jittered digital feed-through for reliable digital transfers. The DA-2 also has a unique ‘master clock’ mode in which the effects of incoming clock jitter are eliminated completely.The DA-2 will interface easily with other digital audio equipment; it features both high-speed and two-wire interfacing options at input and output for 88.2kHz and 96kHz rates.The DA-2 analogue output offers simplicity and high performance with its fully-floating, electronically balanced format with precision attenuators offering an operating range that covers both professional and consumer voltage levels.Compatible with all wordlengths from 16 to 24 bitsThe DA-2 is fully compatible with recordings made at any wordlength up to 24-bits, with or without noise shaping. No adjustment is needed for sources driving only 16 bits on the interface.Use the DA-2 as the basis of a studio monitoring systemThe 7-way input selector and feed-through output (for example: driving a digital PPM) of the DA-2 can be used as the heart of your digital audio monitoring system.Easy transfer between tape and diskThe DA-2 can act as a format converter and jitter attenuator using its array of input formats and its digital outputs. For example, it can convert between AES3 and SDIF-2 or from TOSLINK optical to AES3. It can also convert from double speed AES (typically 96kHz) to the two-wire interface format.Use the DA-2 as your studio clock referenceThe DA-2 can operate in Master Clock mode where the D/A converter timing is generated internally from a precision reference, by-passing the synchronizing PLL system altogether. If your external equipment supports it, you can use the DA-2 in this mode for the ultimate in D/A conversion quality.


  • Full Scale Output signal level +5dBu to +28dBu in steps of 1dB and 0.05dB
  • Output impedance Differential: 47Ω
  • Single-ended: 24Ω
  • Common mode voltage range 70V
  • Dynamic range >111dB unweighted RMS
  • High-level THD+N < -104dB unweighted RMS
  • Intermodulation distortion < -90dB
  • Spurious aharmonics < -125dBFS
  • Crosstalk < -100dB 20Hz to 20kHz
  • Level dependent linearity <<3dB at -144dBFS
  • Sample Rates 32, 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96kHz ±0.15%
  • Non-standard ranges: 30-50kHz, 60-100kHz
  • Jitter
  • Attenuation slope 80dB/decade
  • Corner frequency approx. 80Hz
  • Attenuation above 500Hz greater than 60dB
  • Intrinsic less than 18 picoseconds RMS


  • DI1 AES/EBU 110Ω
  • supports higher-rate sampling (HRS: e.g. 96kHz) at double speed
  • DI2 & 3 AES/EBU 110Ω
  • These inputs support HRS at double speed and in two-wire format
  • DI4 TOSLINK Optical
  • S/PDIF high and low rates
  • DI5 RCA/Phono
  • S/PDIF high and low rates
  • DI6 & 7 BNC L & BNC R – AES3-id
  • 75Ω
  • Both support HRS double speed or two-wire and SDIF-2 at high and low rates.


  • DO1 & 2 AES/EBU 110Ω
  • Both support HRS (e.g. 96kHz) double speed or two-wire
  • BNC L and BNC R SDIF-2 high and low rates
  • TOSLINK Optical S/PDIF high and low rates
  • RCA/Phono S/PDIF high and low rates


  • Height 1 rack unit (44mm)
  • Width 19-inch rack (438mm)
  • Depth 10.25 inches (260mm)
  • Weight 8.8lb (4kg)
  • Power
  • Voltage External selector for: 90-110V, 110-30V, 190-220V, 220-260V
  • Consumption 30W

TOSLINK is a trademark of the Toshiba CorporationSpecifications subject to amendment.

Made in UK

Prism Sound DA-2 Legendary 2 channel 24-bit 96kHz DA Converter
